The Math Patrol Theme Song
Frank, Raffi, Kimberley and chorus
Well, you have floored me. This is a splendid arrangement and recording of the Math Patrol theme. I am very impressed with your musicianship- not to mention your hard work. These pieces aren't easy to sing in barbershop harmonies. I couldn't have done a better job myself with jingle singers. This is a real treat for me. Bless you all. What a delightful and professional treat, Frank. Thanks for sending me the recording. I understand the challenges of trying to organize and record complex projects like this with volunteers but even with your setbacks, you have accomplished a great deal.
Wishing you all the best in your WONDERFUL project. Good luck with the video.
So very cool Frank. Well done. I've been working away in a new musical and this just makes me smile.
Thank you so much.
All the best
-Clive Vanderburgh, producer of the Math Patrol TV show, and composer of the theme song
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-2 posts on our parent company blog
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-your name/business listed in the credits as "sponsored in part by" of 12 videos we make that includes this song.
If you want to be a partial sponsor, please contact us directly
What you get as a sponsor:
-2 posts on our parent company blog
-your name/business listed on this page
-your name/business listed in the credits as "sponsored in part by" of 12 videos we make that includes this song.
If you want to be a partial sponsor, please contact us directly
This song was sponsored in part through a scholarship grant by
Sing Canada Harmony raises funds and provides scholarships to individuals and ensembles for a cappella harmony education.