Overture, Curtain, Lights (This is it!) - The Bugs Bunny Show
More videos of this song being sung, with the sponsor mentioned in the credits will be posted in the future.
This song was sponsored in part through a scholarship grant by
Sing Canada Harmony raises funds and provides scholarships to individuals and ensembles for a cappella harmony education.

Sponsoring this song for $100 USD covers:
* the copyright clearance so 20 new members can join the chorus (20X2$ per music sheet = 40$)
* the remainder goes into the chorus fund for costumes, meeting space rentals, and other immediate chorus needs)
What you get as a sponsor:
-1 post on our parent company blog
-your name/business listed on this page
-your name/business listed in the credits as 'sponsored in part by" of 12 videos we make that includes this song.
If you want to be a partial sponsor, please contact us directly